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You are not alone - Coming from someone who's been in your shoes

Michelle Ubani

The weather is getting colder, the sky is darker, and the workload is heavier. All these combined can make you feel alone and lost. However, I am here to tell you that you are not. You may see your peers applying for spring weeks, internships or graduate roles and you do not feel like you can keep up with it all. This is normal for any student, especially one at a university like Warwick, but I am here to give you some good old advice.

Number 1 – Why?

Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself? You may just think ‘I just want to do good’ but there is always something more to it. Is it stress, friends or even family? Once you identify why you are feeling the way you are you can figure out how to minimize it. Whether that’s just taking a break for a day or having a nice cry, anything you do to address it will help but you DO have to address it.

Number 2 – It’s the little things.

I promise you that getting the sweet treat from Rootes Grocery, the library vending machine or PRET will make you happier. This is scientifically proven by myself. After a long day, all you crave is a small bit of serotonin whether that’s in the form of a kinder bueno, a good book or a run. This can help you more than you can imagine.

Number 3 – Take a break!

Wise words from the musical Hamilton which should be heeded by everyone. I know not everyone gets a reading week but if you know you need a break, take that break. It does not matter if it is only a day, anything can help. The world won’t crumble if you stop for a second, but it can most definitely help you from crumbling.

Number 4 – Talk to someone.

I know this is the hardest part but if you knew how many people around you relate, you would talk more often. This does not have to be a university official but just a friend. Talking makes everything better and if you don’t want to talk to anyone you know, the exec of WWCS would be happy to listen!

Number 5 – Please sort out your sleep schedule.

I do not know you, but I know for a fact you are NOT sleeping right. This might be too little or too much sleep. If you suffer from too little sleep, please see advice number 3 because you most likely need a break but if it is the latter, there is a bit more to it. You need to address why this is happening, like if you are overworking or something to do with your mental health. After you have figured out why, that’s when you must be strict with yourself, which is the hardest. Sleep is so important to your health and something to take the most seriously above deadlines and internships. Please treat it as such.

Well, that is all I have for you but honestly, you will be okay. I know how you feel, and I have probably been in your position, and I want you to know you are not alone. University is not easy but you can’t let it break you.

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