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Finding Academic Motivation at University

Marta Carli

After leaving home and becoming completely independent, it is extremely easy to find ourselves lost in an overwhelming maze of assignments, exams, and deadlines. As a second-year Economics student, there were numerous instances in my first year when, instead of tackling my pre-lecture material or catching up on any I had missed, I cosied up in bed, and indulged in a Selling Sunset marathon.

So, how can we keep ourselves motivated throughout our rigorous Warwick courses? Here are some tips that have definitely helped me find motivation towards my studies during my time at Warwick so far:

Break it Down:

Facing seemingly infinite assignments and deadlines can be very overwhelming. Instead of letting the magnitude of the task paralyse you, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Clearly defining your objectives and breaking them down into sub-tasks makes the work a lot more digestible and can be a wonderful motivator for you to cross off items on your to-do list. By tackling tasks one step at a time, the workload not only seems less daunting but also provides you with a sense of accomplishment with each completed task (and each crossed off item on your to-do list)!

Make a Schedule:

This leads me to my next point; after breaking down your work into sub-tasks, crafting a schedule is a game-changer for effective task management. A schedule is, in my opinion, essential when managing university work as we are balancing coursework, group projects, and self-revision with lectures and seminars. To do so successfully and, most importantly, calmly, a schedule is crucial. By assigning dedicated time slots to each task, whether big assignments or brief breaks, not only are you giving each task the correct amount of attention, but you are also instilling a sense of order and control over the work. This helps you set up a timeline over which to complete your tasks as well as giving you the confidence that you have the ability to do it if you take it a step at a time and if you follow your own instructions.

Create a Positive Environment:

You cannot do any of the above without a positive environment in which you can flourish. You need to feel completely comfortable and able in yourself that you have what it takes to complete your work to the best of your ability, without any negative energy. Your surroundings play a crucial role in achieving this. Set up a dedicated study space that is free from distractions, filled with natural light, and stocked with all the essentials. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your academic journey. Whether it's forming study groups, joining clubs and societies, or participating in online courses. Connecting with your course mates, or any other student, provides a support system. Sharing experiences, challenges, and successes shows you are not the only one experiencing this. This can boost motivation and keep you on track.

Mix it Up:

Monotony can destroy your motivation. If you find yourself stuck, try changing your routine. Explore new study techniques, switch up your note-taking regimen, or find a new activity which is perfect for your study breaks. Introducing variety into your daily life can reignite your drive. Even changing your environment can do wonders. For example, try studying in the FAB if you usually study in the library; this can make all the difference!

Finally: Reward Yourself:

Don't forget to celebrate your achievements, big or small. Treat yourself to a small reward when you accomplish a challenging task or reach a milestone. This can be a favourite snack, a leisurely break, or a movie night at the Warwick Arts Centre! Acknowledging your hard work reinforces a positive association with your academic efforts and can even change your outlook on how you approach any task in the future.

Throughout any academic journey, motivation can be very hard to find, especially during seasonal changes. Remember, it's okay to face moments of doubt and fatigue; what matters is how you navigate through them. By breaking down and scheduling your tasks, creating a positive environment, building a supportive network, embracing variety, and rewarding yourself, you'll discover you can easily find motivation and move forward and excel in your academic journey.


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